Saturday March 16 – Lonsdale Quay (Leisure)

I haven’t forgotten my leisure riding friends. And this is just the ride to prove it. A pleasant ride to the north shore across the two bridges. Enjoy noshings and break at Lonsdale Quay where you can admire the Vancouver skyline. The ride home may go through Moodyville Park, much more pleasant than the Lower Level road. Speed is in the mid teens to low 20km/hr.  Irene says, “Bring a good lock!”

This is an old ride I am going to run again. This might be the last dry day we have for a while. The forecast is a high of 15C, and sunny. Wear wool shorts!

Meet: 10:00AM Athlete’s Village, 1600 Manitoba Street, by the birds.

Route: click here

RSVP Cam_S if you plan to come.