About the VBC

Welcome to the Vancouver Bicycle Club


Who We Are

The Vancouver Bicycle Club is a non-competitive recreational cycling club for all levels of cyclists. We’ve been around as a volunteer-run non-profit organization since 1976, and our roots as a club go back to around 1902.

Our members are adults of all ages and with a variety of backgrounds. Some of us ride year-round, while others of us are more laid-back about cycling. We enjoy riding together, socializing with each other, making new friends, and seeing new places. People, food, and scenery are high in our priorities.

Ask a question about bikes or cycling, and you’ll get helpful answers. Or you may be the one to answer some questions. We talk, share meals, plan together, help each other put up tents and fix flat tires, and have fun even when it rains.

What We Do

We cycle. Our Road Rides are in four categories from a couple of hours on mostly flats up to hours of riding fast and up and down hills. Our mountain biking routes range from the UBC Endowment Lands to ranch and logging roads and mountains.

The Saturday Leisure Ride goes every Saturday. These are easier, shorter rides.

The Sunday Medium Ride goes every Sunday. These are longer rides up to 100 km or so.

On Wednesday evenings, our Pie Ride starts at 4:30 PM downtown west of the Canada Place entrance. It goes through Stanley Park and around False Creek to Kitsilano for dinner at a restaurant. This multi-paced ride is suitable for all levels.

Our Tours are both road and off-road, on weekends and sometimes longer.

Where we go

Our rides and tours take us to and through Greater Vancouver, the Fraser Valley, the Gulf Islands, Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast, the BC Interior, Washington state, and sometimes further.

Try us out

Come on a ride. Choose a ride from the current schedule and meet us at the indicated time and place. If you aren’t sure which ride category is best for you, start with a ride that looks easier rather than more difficult. You can also talk to the listed ride contact person in advance.

See the Join Us page for benefits of VBC membership.

Or, go straight to the membership form:

  1. Click here to go to the VBC membership form.
  2. Read the waiver and sign it.
  3. Send it with a cheque or money order for the applicable amount to the address at the bottom of the form.

Helmets are required on all VBC rides and tours.