Sunday December 22 – Christmas Lights Ride- Escargot

Join me for a shot of nostalgia on this ride to a turn of the century pioneer village. It will make you long for the days of outhouses, working by candlelight, and outbreaks of typhoid fever. Not that we’ll encounter any on this ride. Instead, have serious fun with the 12 Days of Christmas Scavenger Hunt or ride the 1912 carousel. Warm up with a cup of hot chocolate in the cafe before heading back. Or we could go for food around the corner. Pace is escargot, minus the slime. Noone is left behind. Bring lights, as it will be dark for the duration of the ride.
Ride is weather permitting. Check the website at 2pm or Whatsapp for updates.
Meet: 4pm at JJ’s Coffee Shop at 6th and Commercial Drive
Route: click here
RSVP the leader :Teresa
Many thanks to the 7 others who joined on this beautiful evening ride. We were treated to a colourful sunset glow followed by the dazzle of Burnaby Village. It was teeming with crowds for good reason: weather was great, and there’s something for everyone. The traffic around Metrotown and Burnaby Village wasn’t much better. Instead of fighting it out, elbows flared, we retreated to Viva Sue Pizza for a quieter digs, pizza, and a chance to catch up. Welcome back to cycling, Paula!